Oxford Homeless Pathways

Oxford Homeless Pathways provides a range of services for homeless and recently homeless people aged 25 and over. We will help you tackle the issues that have led you to becoming homeless. We will also help you to build your confidence, develop new skills and put in place plans that will support you to change your life.

We will also help you to build your confidence, develop new skills and put in place plans that will support you to change your life.

Oxford Homeless Pathways was previously known as Oxford Night Shelter.
Do you need help?

O’Hanlon House receptionAre you homeless or recently re-housed? Are you aged 25 or over? We can help.

O’Hanlon House provides direct access Emergency Accommodation
O’Hanlon House also provides referral only support: Day Services, Resettlement Floor
Julian Housing provides Second stage housing (by referral).

Can you help?

Have you noticed someone who might need our support?
Could you make a donation of money or good quality clothing?
Would you like to volunteer?
Find out how you can get involved in supporting homeless people in Oxford.

Stop press: OxHop is incorporating the The Vineyard

OxHoP is pleased to be incorporating The Vineyard, Abingdon, to Julian Housing from 1st November.

The Vineyard consists of 13 self contained flats for homeless people from the Vale of White Horse and South Oxfordshire.

Referrals are made through Vale of White Horse District Council. Telephone the Vineyard for more information on 01235 526716.

To contact OxHop Directly please click here

Posted in Community News

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